To submit an algorithm, please log in to platform.
Dear user,
Thank you for your interest in collaborate with the algoritMD platform.
Please read our Instructions for the authors before submit an algorithm.
Instruction for the authors
- The algorithm should have a clinical scope, with a practical and objective focus in order to allow the user to get quick access to relevant information that contributes to the resolution of a clinical problem.
- It should be based on reliable literature. Links to bibliography must be provided.
- Each algorithm must have a maximum of 6 authors.
- Authorship cannot be attributed if the algorithm reproduces a document already published in the literature.
- All submitted documents are evaluated by a team of editors. It is up to the editor to decide on:
- Accept or reject proposed algorithm.
- Request or suggest changes to the submitted document.
- The design of the algorithm is our responsibility.
- The document can be submitted in any format (word, powerpoint, image document or .pdf).
- Adjustments can be made to the proposed algorithm in order to standardize with our layout.
- After publication on the platform, you should note:
- A certificate will be sent to the author(s).
- All algorithms/tables are subject to revision/updating by our users.
- The decision to proceed with the revision/update of the document rests solely with the platform editors.
- The authors grant the algoritMD platform the right to publish, distribute, assign, sell or license their content in physical, electronic, broadcasting or other media that may exist in the algorithm/table. This authorization is permanent, takes place from the moment the document is published on the algoritMD platform and has the maximum duration allowed by applicable European or international legislation and is worldwide in scope. The authors also declare that this assignment is made free of charge. If the document is not published on the algoritMD platform, this right ceases immediately.
- Any omission or unforeseen event, please contact